acrylic on canvas, 7.9 x 7.9 in
If you like the painting and you want to buy it, please send me an Email. The price is 70 € plus shipping for the painting. After sending me an email you will receive a confirmation. Please note the TERMS OF SALE . I am pleased if you share my painting or leave a comment.The song ‘Happy christmas – was is over’ from John Lennon inspired me to my today’s 100th (!) dailypainting…
I wish you all a wonderfu and peaceful time, wherever you are.
This was my last dailypainting for this year. I’ll take a break and will be back in the middle of January. As promised, I will now also consider how to go on with the daily painting after 100 dailypaintings (THAT I go on, is beyond question … ;-)). There are many new ideas; I am quite curious about it …
Thank you for your comments, your likes and your interest. See you soon in the new year!